This transformer uses a JAXP 1.2 -implementing XSLT processor and Apache FOP to transform the XML with one or more XSL files into XSL-FO then convert the XSL-FO into PDF or SVG. It takes advantage of TRaX interfaces to compile and cache stylesheets to speed up the transformation process. .
- Multiple XSL stylesheet support
- Can output Adobe PDF or SVG format
- Configurable cache of compiled stylesheets
- Uses SAX to build the document
- Can be extended to add SAX filters before XSLT processing
Property | Value | Status |
outputType | svg | pdf (default) | Optional |
autoReloadTemplates | true | false (default). If true, the cached Templates will be checked to see if the stylesheet has been modified since and reload as necessary. | Optional |
resolveFromTemplatePath | false | true (default). If true, URIs used in xsl:import, or xsl:include are resolved from the directory of the parent stylesheet. Otherwise, URIs are resolved from the root directory of the web application. | Optional |
transformerFactoryClass | The name of the JAXP transformer factory implementation to use. | Optional |
These parameters are specified in stxx 1.2+ pipeline configuration format. See Configuring with Struts 1.1 for more information.
Parameter | Value | Status |
path | The path to the XSL file | Required and can be repeated |
debug | true | false (default) | Optional |
attachRequestParameters | false | true (default) | Optional |
attachRequestAttributes | false | true (default) | Optional |
attachForm | false | true (default) | Optional |
attachResources | false | true (default) | Optional |
attachErrors | false | true (default) | Optional |
attachMessages | false | true (default) |
When this transformer is debugged either by setting the "debug" param or by passing "debug=true" on the querystring (if activated), the debugging XML is the original stxx-produced XML transformed by the XSL files into XSL-FO. This should make it easier to debug FOP processing.
Global configuration:
stxx.transformer.pdf.class=com.oroad.stxx.transform.CachedFOPTransformer stxx.transformer.pdf.outputType=pdf
Transform-specific configuration:
<pipeline match="pdf/*.dox"> <transform type="pdf"> <param name="path" value="/{1}.xsl" /> </transform> </pipeline>
by Don Brown